Tuesday, 29 April 2014

guastalla school

image by Cristian Chierici cc79


MCA project won the Architectural Competition held in February 2014 for the design and build of the new  School in Guastalla District (Regio Emilia, Italy). The new building will replace two existed schools damaged by the earthquake which stuck the territory in May 2012 and will host up to 120 boys and girls between 0 and 3 years old.

image by Cristian Chierici cc79

MCA project is thought to stimulate the child's interaction with the surrondings space according to a vision of "teaching" in which nothing is left to chance, from the distribution of educational areas to the choice of materials of construction, up to the integration between indoor and outside space.

image by Mario Cucinella

The structure involves the use of natural and recycled materials with low environmental impact. In particular, the suporting structure is made up of wooden frame: a safe and ideal material to keep the thermal insulation of the building.

image by Mario Cucinella

The hight insulation, the optimal distribution of transparent surfaces, the use of advanced systems of rainwater harvesting and insertion of a photovoltaic system on the roof, will allow the building to minimize the use of mechanical equipment to meet the energy needs of the school.

image by Mario Cucinella